Monday, April 21, 2014

Common Errors Test

1. That movie was (hysterical, hilarious).
2. I (drank, drunk) all the juice last night.
3. You (should of, should have) tied your shoes better.
4. He doesn't like me?  I (could, couldn't) care less.
5. When I graduate, I'm going to (immigrate, emigrate) the USA and move somewhere tropical.
6. "I don't like abstract art."
    ("Me either.", "Me neither.")
7. You look (nauseous, nauseated).  Want some Pepto?
8.  He only watches TV (once and a while, once in a while).
9. What happened to the (sole, soul) of your shoe?
10. Those towels (need, need to be) washed.
Common Errors Site 

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