Friday, September 12, 2014

BFG Fab Five Assignment

Write a "fab 5" summary for the BFG.  Answer these questions in one paragraph:
1. SOMEONE: who are the main characters of the BFG?
2. WANTED: what do they want?
3. BUT: what is the big problem they face that is keeping them from reaching their goal?
4. SO: how do they resolve this issue?
5. THEN: do they end up getting what they wanted?  How does the story end?  *If you haven't finished the book yet, you will have to make an INFERENCE as to how the story ends.*

Type your summary with a partner in Google drive.  Include BOTH your first and last names in the header.  Title your paragraph, "BFG Fab Five Summary."  SHARE it with Mrs. K on Google drive.

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