Thursday, September 5, 2013

Capitalization Review

Names and titles:
-Capitalize the name of people, places, and organizations.
EX:   "I hope you don't ever join the Ku Klux Klan."
          "Where was Mary Johns today?"
          "Let's go to Illinois this weekend!"
-If you use a title as part of a name, capitalize it.  If it's just a title, leave it alone.
EX:  "I was speaking with Doctor Benson the other day, and..."
         "I couldn't get a hold of the doctor yesterday."
         "So I asked Mom if she would get it for me, and..."
         "I will have to ask my mom."

Seasons and directions:
-Capitalize the names of months, not the seasons.
EX:   April, May, June...    spring, summer, fall...
-If you're speaking of a direction, you don't capitalize it.  If it's part of a name of a place, capitalize it.
EX:   "Are you headed south for the winter?"
         "I'm from Down South."
         "Really?  I'm from the East."
         "I always travel north for Thanksgiving."

-Capitalize the name of the holiday, including the word "day".
EX:  Valentine's Day, Grandparent's Day, Memorial Day.

Days of the week:
-Capitalize the days of the week.
EX:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

-Capitalize the first letters of all the important abbreviated words.
EX:  BS= Bachelor of Science
        VFW= Veterans of Foreign Wars

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