How to Write a Thank You
Step 1: Greet the
Giver. Ex: Dear Aunt Sally… Call them by name! It makes people feel good.
Step 2: Express your
gratitude. Thank them SPECIFICALLY for
what they gave/did. Ex: Thanks so much for listening to me this
weekend when I was so upset. OR Thank you for the camo snuggie you gave
Step 3: Say something nice
about the item and how you’ve used it, or why you appreciate the favor they did
for you. Ex: For the past 3 nights I’ve gotten into that
snuggie and worn it while I do my homework.
OR It was a huge relief to get
those feelings off my chest, and I’ve felt better ever since.
TIP: Don’t lie. If you hate the gift, find something nice to
say about it that’s true, like “you must have worked so hard on these slippers”
or “they’re such a pretty color”.
Step 4: Say something that
makes them feel safe in your relationship.
Ex: I can’t wait to see you at Grandma’s Christmas party!
Step 5: Say thanks again,
and then say goodbye.
What’s not there: Any news
about your life. Now is not the
time. The whole purpose of the letter is
to say thank you. That’s it.
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